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New Patients at Wellness Montana

our reception desk

At Wellness Montana, we want you to know what you can expect when you come to see us. Here is a brief description of the different visits you’ll experience:


Your First Visit

Duration: 60 minutes

We like to call the first visit the “information gathering day.” You can fill out the registration paperwork online or in our office – whatever is easiest for you. One of our team members will escort you to our consultation room and we’ll talk with you about how you’re feeling in order to build a case and see if we can help you.

  • You’ll then be taken back to the examination room where our staff will conduct any necessary exams, surface EMG scans, etc.
  • Dr. Justin will then run sonography for the Gonstead technique and do a thorough nerve tissue exam for different aspects of subluxation, muscle spasms, inflammation, swelling and more.
  • Finally, we’ll give you a brief description of brain nerve connection and explain what subluxation is. We’ll take films as needed.
    You may feel a little sore from your first visit, but this is normal.

Patient Orientation Classes

Every Monday we do a Patient Orientation Class (POC) beginning at 6:00 pm. What will you learn at these classes?

  • We’ll educate you on subluxation and what to expect under care.
  • We’ll also educate you on what we do and what we treat so that you’ll know what to expect when you visit us.

Please feel free to bring your friends, spouse and others to our classes. We look forward to meeting you!

Duration: 30 minutes

We’ll report all findings from your first visit to you and explain subluxation and degeneration in more detail.  Should you wish to get started, you can receive your first chiropractic adjustment on this visit. If not, that’s okay.

We’ll explain your adjustment thoroughly to you prior to performing it. Finally, if you wish, we’ll build a Schedule of Care for you.

Duration: 40 minutes

We’ll begin your adjustment process, unless you already received your first adjustment on your second visit. We’ll explain our payment methods as well as the duration of upcoming visits.

Duration: 15 minutes

We perform a normal adjustment as well as any necessary therapies.

Get Started Today

Don’t stay in pain one day longer. Give us a call at (406) 522-5433 or contact us today.

New Patients at Wellness Montana | (406) 522-5433